What Is the Difference between a Representation a Warranty and an Undertaking in a Contract

2023年7月4日 / 未分類

When it comes to contracts, there are several legal terms that are often used interchangeably but have distinct meanings. These terms include representation, warranty, and undertaking. Understanding the differences between these terms is crucial in ensuring that contract negotiations and agreements proceed smoothly.


A representation is a statement of fact made by one party to a contract to induce the other party to enter into the contract. Representations can be made in writing, verbally, or through conduct. For example, if a car dealer tells a customer that a car has never been in an accident, that statement is a representation.

The key aspect of a representation is that it is not guaranteed. That is, the party making the representation does not have to be certain that the statement is true. However, if a representation turns out to be false, the party that made it may be liable for any damages caused as a result.


A warranty, on the other hand, is a promise or guarantee made by one party to the contract that certain facts are true. Warranties can be either express or implied. An express warranty is explicitly stated in the contract or in writing, while an implied warranty is assumed by law.

For example, if a car dealer promises that a car has a warranty for the next three years, that promise is an express warranty. If a product is sold with the understanding that it is fit for its intended purpose, that is an implied warranty.

An important distinction between representations and warranties is that a warranty is a guarantee of certain facts. If a warranty is found to be false, the party that made it is responsible for any damages caused as a result.


An undertaking is a promise to do, or not to do, something in the future. This promise can be made by either party to the contract. For example, if a contractor undertakes to complete a project within a certain timeframe, that is an undertaking.

Undertakings can be either express or implied, and can be either positive (a promise to do something) or negative (a promise not to do something).

The key aspect of an undertaking is that it is enforceable in a court of law. If a party to a contract fails to fulfill an undertaking, the other party can seek damages for any losses suffered as a result.


Representations, warranties, and undertakings are all important components of a contract. Understanding the differences between these terms is crucial in ensuring that contracts are negotiated and agreed upon in a way that is clear, concise, and legally enforceable. By taking the time to understand these terms, parties to a contract can avoid misunderstandings and potential legal disputes down the line.


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